trait CanBindLocals[R] extends AnyRef
Type class describing how Local binding works for specific data types.
This is needed because asynchronous data types, like Future
that can be waited on, should also clear the modified context
after completion.
NOTE: this type class does not work for data types that suspend the
execution, like Coeval
or Task
, because Local is meant to
be used in a side effectful way. Instances of this type class
can't be implemented for data types like Task
, as a technical
limitation, because Task
would also need a suspended Context
evaluation in bindContext
- Annotations
- @implicitNotFound("""Cannot find an implicit value for CanBindLocals[${R}].
If ${R} is the result of a synchronous action, either build an implicit with
CanBindLocals.synchronous or import CanBindLocals.Implicits.synchronousAsDefault.""") - Source
- CanBindLocals.scala
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- CanBindLocals
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Abstract Value Members
- abstract def bindContext(ctx: Context)(f: => R): R
See Local.bind.
Concrete Value Members
- def bindKey[A](local: Local[A], value: Option[A])(f: => R): R
See Local.bind.
- def isolate(f: => R): R
See Local.isolate.
This is the API documentation for the Monix library.
Package Overview
monix.execution exposes lower level primitives for dealing with asynchronous execution:
types, as alternative tojava.util.concurrent.atomic
monix.catnap exposes pure abstractions built on top of the Cats-Effect type classes:
monix.eval is for dealing with evaluation of results, thus exposing Task and Coeval.
monix.reactive exposes the
implementationsmonix.tail exposes Iterant for purely functional pull based streaming:
, the alternatives to Scala'sIterable
respectively that we are using within Iterant's encodingYou can control evaluation with type you choose - be it Task, Coeval, cats.effect.IO or your own as long as you provide correct cats-effect or cats typeclass instance.