sealed abstract class Task[+A] extends Serializable with BinCompat[A]
represents a specification for a possibly lazy or
asynchronous computation, which when executed will produce an A
as a result, along with possible side-effects.
Compared with Future
from Scala's standard library, Task
not represent a running computation or a value detached from time,
as Task
does not execute anything when working with its builders
or operators and it does not submit any work into any thread-pool,
the execution eventually taking place only after runAsync
called and not before that.
Note that Task
is conservative in how it spawns logical threads.
Transformations like map
and flatMap
for example will default
to being executed on the logical thread on which the asynchronous
computation was started. But one shouldn't make assumptions about
how things will end up executed, as ultimately it is the
implementation's job to decide on the best execution model. All
you are guaranteed is asynchronous execution after executing
Getting Started
To build a Task
from a by-name parameters (thunks), we can use
Task.apply (
alias Task.eval) or
val hello = Task("Hello ") val world = Task.evalAsync("World!")
Nothing gets executed yet, as Task
is lazy, nothing executes
until you trigger its evaluation via runAsync or
To combine Task
values we can use .map and
.flatMap, which describe sequencing and this time
it's in a very real sense because of the laziness involved:
val sayHello = hello .flatMap(h => => h + w)) .map(println)
This Task
reference will trigger a side effect on evaluation, but
not yet. To make the above print its message:
import monix.execution.CancelableFuture import val f: CancelableFuture[Unit] = sayHello.runToFuture // => Hello World!
The returned type is a CancelableFuture which inherits from Scala's standard Future, a value that can be completed already or might be completed at some point in the future, once the running asynchronous process finishes. Such a future value can also be canceled, see below.
Laziness, Purity and Referential Transparency
The fact that Task
is lazy whereas Future
is not
has real consequences. For example with Task
you can do this:
import scala.concurrent.duration._ def retryOnFailure[A](times: Int, source: Task[A]): Task[A] = source.onErrorHandleWith { err => // No more retries left? Re-throw error: if (times <= 0) Task.raiseError(err) else { // Recursive call, yes we can! retryOnFailure(times - 1, source) // Adding 500 ms delay for good measure .delayExecution(500.millis) } }
being a strict value-wannabe means that the actual value
gets "memoized" (means cached), however Task
is basically a function
that can be repeated for as many times as you want.
is a pure data structure that can be used to describe
pure functions, the equivalent of Haskell's IO
can also do memoization, making it behave like a "lazy"
Scala Future
, meaning that nothing is started yet, its
side effects being evaluated on the first runAsync
and then
the result reused on subsequent evaluations:
The difference between this and just calling runAsync()
is that
still returns a Task
and the actual memoization
happens on the first runAsync()
(with idempotency guarantees of
But here's something else that the Future
data type cannot do,
Task.eval { if (scala.util.Random.nextDouble() > 0.33) throw new RuntimeException("error!") println("moo") }.memoizeOnSuccess
This keeps repeating the computation for as long as the result is a failure and caches it only on success. Yes we can!
WARNING: as awesome as memoize
can be, use with care
because memoization can break referential transparency!
Because of laziness, invoking
Task.sequence will not work like
it does for Future.sequence
, the given Task
values being
evaluated one after another, in sequence, not in parallel.
If you want parallelism, then you need to use
Task.parSequence and thus be explicit about it.
This is great because it gives you the possibility of fine tuning the execution. For example, say you want to execute things in parallel, but with a maximum limit of 30 tasks being executed in parallel. One way of doing that is to process your list in batches:
// Some array of tasks, you come up with something good :-) val list: Seq[Task[Int]] = Seq.tabulate(100)(Task(_)) // Split our list in chunks of 30 items per chunk, // this being the maximum parallelism allowed val chunks = list.sliding(30, 30).toSeq // Specify that each batch should process stuff in parallel val batchedTasks = => Task.parSequence(chunk)) // Sequence the batches val allBatches = Task.sequence(batchedTasks) // Flatten the result, within the context of Task val all: Task[Seq[Int]] =
Note that the built Task
reference is just a specification at
this point, or you can view it as a function, as nothing has
executed yet, you need to call runAsync
or runToFuture explicitly.
The logic described by an Task
task could be cancelable,
depending on how the Task
gets built.
CancelableFuture references
can also be canceled, in case the described computation can be
canceled. When describing Task
tasks with Task.eval
can be cancelled, since there's nothing about a plain function
that you can cancel, but we can build cancelable tasks with
import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util._ val delayedHello = Task.cancelable0[Unit] { (scheduler, callback) => val task = scheduler.scheduleOnce(1.second) { println("Delayed Hello!") // Signaling successful completion callback(Success(())) } // Returning a cancel token that knows how to cancel the // scheduled computation: Task { println("Cancelling!") task.cancel() } }
The sample above prints a message with a delay, where the delay
itself is scheduled with the injected Scheduler
. The Scheduler
is in fact an implicit parameter to runAsync()
This action can be cancelled, because it specifies cancellation
logic. In case we have no cancelable logic to express, then it's
OK if we returned a
Cancelable.empty reference,
in which case the resulting Task
would not be cancelable.
But the Task
we just described is cancelable, for one at the
edge, due to runAsync
returning Cancelable
and CancelableFuture references:
// Triggering execution val cf: CancelableFuture[Unit] = delayedHello.runToFuture // If we change our mind before the timespan has passed: cf.cancel()
But also cancellation is described on Task
as a pure action,
which can be used for example in race conditions:
import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException val ta = Task(1 + 1).delayExecution(4.seconds) val tb = Task.raiseError[Int](new TimeoutException) .delayExecution(4.seconds) Task.racePair(ta, tb).flatMap { case Left((a, fiberB)) => => a) case Right((fiberA, b)) => => b) }
The returned type in racePair
is Fiber, which is a data
type that's meant to wrap tasks linked to an active process
and that can be canceled or joined.
Also, given a task, we can specify actions that need to be triggered in case of cancellation, see doOnCancel:
val task = Task.eval(println("Hello!")).executeAsync task doOnCancel Task.eval { println("A cancellation attempt was made!") }
Given a task, we can also create a new task from it that atomic (non cancelable), in the sense that either all of it executes or nothing at all, via uncancelable.
Note on the ExecutionModel
is conservative in how it introduces async boundaries.
Transformations like map
and flatMap
for example will default
to being executed on the current call stack on which the
asynchronous computation was started. But one shouldn't make
assumptions about how things will end up executed, as ultimately
it is the implementation's job to decide on the best execution
model. All you are guaranteed (and can assume) is asynchronous
execution after executing runAsync
Currently the default
ExecutionModel specifies
batched execution by default and Task
in its evaluation respects
the injected ExecutionModel
. If you want a different behavior,
you need to execute the Task
reference with a different scheduler.
- Source
- Task.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- Task
- BinCompat
- Serializable
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Value Members
- final def *>[B](tb: Task[B]): Task[B]
Runs this task first and then, when successful, the given task.
Runs this task first and then, when successful, the given task. Returns the result of the given task.
val combined = Task{println("first"); "first"} *> Task{println("second"); "second"} // Prints "first" and then "second" // Result value will be "second"
As this method is strict, it can lead to an infinite loop / stack overflow for self-referring tasks.
- See also
>> for the version with a non-strict parameter
- final def <*[B](tb: Task[B]): Task[A]
Runs this task first and then, when successful, the given task.
Runs this task first and then, when successful, the given task. Returns the result of this task.
val combined = Task{println("first"); "first"} <* Task{println("second"); "second"} // Prints "first" and then "second" // Result value will be "first"
As this method is strict, it can lead to an infinite loop / stack overflow for self-referring tasks.
- final def >>[B](tb: => Task[B]): Task[B]
Runs this task first and then, when successful, the given task.
Runs this task first and then, when successful, the given task. Returns the result of the given task.
val combined = Task{println("first"); "first"} >> Task{println("second"); "second"} // Prints "first" and then "second" // Result value will be "second"
- final def as[B](b: B): Task[B]
Returns this task mapped to the supplied value.
- final def asyncBoundary(s: Scheduler): Task[A]
Introduces an asynchronous boundary at the current stage in the asynchronous processing pipeline, making processing to jump on the given Scheduler (until the next async boundary).
Introduces an asynchronous boundary at the current stage in the asynchronous processing pipeline, making processing to jump on the given Scheduler (until the next async boundary).
Consider the following example:
import monix.execution.Scheduler implicit val s = val io = val source = Task(1) // s .asyncBoundary(io) .flatMap(_ => Task(2)) // io .flatMap(_ => Task(3)) // io .asyncBoundary .flatMap(_ => Task(4)) // s
Scheduler s
is passed implicitly when running theTask
will be executed there. Then it will switch toio
without any arguments returns to the defaultScheduler
will be executed there.- s
is the scheduler triggering the asynchronous boundary
- final def asyncBoundary: Task[A]
Introduces an asynchronous boundary at the current stage in the asynchronous processing pipeline.
Introduces an asynchronous boundary at the current stage in the asynchronous processing pipeline.
will be returned to the defaultScheduler
to reschedule the rest of its execution.Consider the following example:
import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.Scheduler val s = Scheduler.singleThread("example-scheduler").withExecutionModel(SynchronousExecution) val source1 = Task(println("task 1")).loopForever val source2 = Task(println("task 2")).loopForever // Will keep printing only "task 1" or "task 2" // depending on which one was scheduled first Task.parZip2(source1, source2)
We might expect that both
would execute concurrently but since we are using only 1 thread with SynchronousExecution execution model, one of them will be scheduled first and then run forever.To prevent this behavior we could introduce asynchronous boundary after each iteration, i.e.:
val source3 = Task(println("task 1")).asyncBoundary.loopForever val source4 = Task(println("task 2")).asyncBoundary.loopForever // Will keep printing "task 1" and "task 2" alternately. Task.parZip2(source3, source4)
A lot of asynchronous boundaries can lead to unnecessary overhead so in the majority of cases it is enough to use the default
which introduces asynchronous boundaries betweenflatMap
periodically on its own.Likelihood that different tasks are able to advance is called
.- See also
Task.executeOn for a way to override the default
- final def attempt: Task[Either[Throwable, A]]
Creates a new Task that will expose any triggered error from the source.
- final def bracket[B](use: (A) => Task[B])(release: (A) => Task[Unit]): Task[B]
Returns a task that treats the source task as the acquisition of a resource, which is then exploited by the
function and thenreleased
.Returns a task that treats the source task as the acquisition of a resource, which is then exploited by the
function and thenreleased
operation is the equivalent of thetry {} catch {} finally {}
statements from mainstream languages.The
operation installs the necessary exception handler to release the resource in the event of an exception being raised during the computation, or in case of cancellation.If an exception is raised, then
will re-raise the exception after performing therelease
. If the resulting task gets cancelled, thenbracket
will still perform therelease
, but the yielded task will be non-terminating (equivalent with Task.never).Example:
import def readFile(file: File): Task[String] = { // Opening a file handle for reading text val acquire = Task.eval(new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "utf-8") )) acquire.bracket { in => // Usage part Task.eval { // Yes, ugly Java, non-FP loop; // side-effects are suspended though var line: String = "" val buff = new StringBuilder() while (line != null) { line = in.readLine() if (line != null) buff.append(line) } buff.toString() } } { in => // The release part Task.eval(in.close()) } }
Note that in case of cancellation the underlying implementation cannot guarantee that the computation described by
doesn't end up executed concurrently with the computation fromrelease
. In the example above that ugly Java loop might end up reading from aBufferedReader
that is already closed due to the task being cancelled, thus triggering an error in the background with nowhere to go but in Scheduler.reportFailure.In this particular example, given that we are just reading from a file, it doesn't matter. But in other cases it might matter, as concurrency on top of the JVM when dealing with I/O might lead to corrupted data.
For those cases you might want to do synchronization (e.g. usage of locks and semaphores) and you might want to use bracketE, the version that allows you to differentiate between normal termination and cancellation.
NOTE on error handling: one big difference versus
try {} finally {}
is that, in case both therelease
function and theuse
function throws, the error raised byuse
gets signaled and the error raised byrelease
gets reported withSystem.err
for Coeval or with Scheduler.reportFailure for Task.For example:
Task.evalAsync("resource").bracket { _ => // use Task.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Foo")) } { _ => // release Task.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Bar")) }
In this case the error signaled downstream is
, while the"Bar"
error gets reported. This is consistent with the behavior of Haskell'sbracket
operation and NOT withtry {} finally {}
from Scala, Java or JavaScript.- use
is a function that evaluates the resource yielded by the source, yielding a result that will get generated by the task returned by this
function- release
is a function that gets called after
terminates, either normally or in error, or if it gets cancelled, receiving as input the resource that needs to be released
- See also
bracketCase and bracketE
- final def bracketCase[B](use: (A) => Task[B])(release: (A, ExitCase[Throwable]) => Task[Unit]): Task[B]
Returns a new task that treats the source task as the acquisition of a resource, which is then exploited by the
function and thenreleased
, with the possibility of distinguishing between normal termination and cancelation, such that an appropriate release of resources can be executed.Returns a new task that treats the source task as the acquisition of a resource, which is then exploited by the
function and thenreleased
, with the possibility of distinguishing between normal termination and cancelation, such that an appropriate release of resources can be executed.The
operation is the equivalent oftry {} catch {} finally {}
statements from mainstream languages when used for the acquisition and release of resources.The
operation installs the necessary exception handler to release the resource in the event of an exception being raised during the computation, or in case of cancelation.In comparison with the simpler bracket version, this one allows the caller to differentiate between normal termination, termination in error and cancelation via an
parameter.- use
is a function that evaluates the resource yielded by the source, yielding a result that will get generated by this function on evaluation
- release
is a function that gets called after
terminates, either normally or in error, or if it gets canceled, receiving as input the resource that needs that needs release, along with the result ofuse
(cancelation, error or successful result)
- final def bracketE[B](use: (A) => Task[B])(release: (A, Either[Option[Throwable], B]) => Task[Unit]): Task[B]
Returns a task that treats the source task as the acquisition of a resource, which is then exploited by the
function and thenreleased
, with the possibility of distinguishing between normal termination and cancellation, such that an appropriate release of resources can be executed.Returns a task that treats the source task as the acquisition of a resource, which is then exploited by the
function and thenreleased
, with the possibility of distinguishing between normal termination and cancellation, such that an appropriate release of resources can be executed.The
operation is the equivalent oftry {} catch {} finally {}
statements from mainstream languages.The
operation installs the necessary exception handler to release the resource in the event of an exception being raised during the computation, or in case of cancellation.In comparison with the simpler bracket version, this one allows the caller to differentiate between normal termination and cancellation.
function receives as input:Left(None)
in case of cancellationLeft(Some(error))
in caseuse
terminated with an errorRight(b)
in case of success
NOTE on error handling: one big difference versus
try {} finally {}
is that, in case both therelease
function and theuse
function throws, the error raised byuse
gets signaled and the error raised byrelease
gets reported withSystem.err
for Coeval or with Scheduler.reportFailure for Task.For example:
Task.evalAsync("resource").bracket { _ => // use Task.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Foo")) } { _ => // release Task.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Bar")) }
In this case the error signaled downstream is
, while the"Bar"
error gets reported. This is consistent with the behavior of Haskell'sbracket
operation and NOT withtry {} finally {}
from Scala, Java or JavaScript.- use
is a function that evaluates the resource yielded by the source, yielding a result that will get generated by this function on evaluation
- release
is a function that gets called after
terminates, either normally or in error, or if it gets cancelled, receiving as input the resource that needs that needs release, along with the result ofuse
(cancellation, error or successful result)
- See also
bracket and bracketCase
- final def delayExecution(timespan: FiniteDuration): Task[A]
Returns a task that waits for the specified
before executing and mirroring the result of the source.Returns a task that waits for the specified
before executing and mirroring the result of the source.In this example we're printing to standard output, but before doing that we're introducing a 3 seconds delay:
import scala.concurrent.duration._ Task(println("Hello!")) .delayExecution(3.seconds)
This operation is also equivalent with:
Task.sleep(3.seconds).flatMap(_ => Task(println("Hello!")))
See Task.sleep for the operation that describes the effect and Task.delayResult for the version that evaluates the task on time, but delays the signaling of the result.
- timespan
is the time span to wait before triggering the evaluation of the task
- final def delayResult(timespan: FiniteDuration): Task[A]
Returns a task that executes the source immediately on
, but before emitting theonSuccess
result for the specified duration.Returns a task that executes the source immediately on
, but before emitting theonSuccess
result for the specified duration.Note that if an error happens, then it is streamed immediately with no delay.
See delayExecution for delaying the evaluation of the task with the specified duration. The delayResult operation is effectively equivalent with:
import scala.concurrent.duration._ Task(1 + 1) .flatMap(a =>
Or if we are to use the Task.sleep describing just the effect, this operation is equivalent with:
Task(1 + 1).flatMap(a => Task.sleep(3.seconds).map(_ => a))
Thus in this example 3 seconds will pass before the result is being generated by the source, plus another 5 seconds before it is finally emitted:
Task(1 + 1) .delayExecution(3.seconds) .delayResult(5.seconds)
- timespan
is the time span to sleep before signaling the result, but after the evaluation of the source
- final def dematerialize[B](implicit ev: <:<[A, Try[B]]): Task[B]
Dematerializes the source's result from a
. - final def doOnCancel(callback: Task[Unit]): Task[A]
Returns a new
that will mirror the source, but that will execute the givencallback
if the task gets canceled before completion.Returns a new
that will mirror the source, but that will execute the givencallback
if the task gets canceled before completion.This only works for premature cancellation. See doOnFinish for triggering callbacks when the source finishes.
- callback
is the callback to execute if the task gets canceled prematurely
- final def doOnFinish(f: (Option[Throwable]) => Task[Unit]): Task[A]
Returns a new
in whichf
is scheduled to be run on completion.Returns a new
in whichf
is scheduled to be run on completion. This would typically be used to release any resources acquired by thisTask
.The returned
completes when both the source and the task returned byf
complete.NOTE: The given function is only called when the task is complete. However the function does not get called if the task gets canceled. Cancellation is a process that's concurrent with the execution of a task and hence needs special handling.
See doOnCancel for specifying a callback to call on canceling a task.
- final def executeAsync: Task[A]
Mirrors the given source
, but upon execution ensure that evaluation forks into a separate (logical) thread.Mirrors the given source
, but upon execution ensure that evaluation forks into a separate (logical) thread.The Scheduler used will be the one that is used to start the run-loop in Task.runAsync or Task.runToFuture.
This operation is equivalent with:
Task.shift.flatMap(_ => Task(1 + 1)) // ... or ... import cats.syntax.all._ Task.shift *> Task(1 + 1)
The Scheduler used for scheduling the async boundary will be the default, meaning the one used to start the run-loop in
. - final def executeOn(s: Scheduler, forceAsync: Boolean = true): Task[A]
Overrides the default Scheduler, possibly forcing an asynchronous boundary before execution (if
is set totrue
, the default).Overrides the default Scheduler, possibly forcing an asynchronous boundary before execution (if
is set totrue
, the default).The
will return to the previously defaultScheduler
is completed.When a
is executed with Task.runAsync or Task.runToFuture, it needs aScheduler
, which is going to be injected in all asynchronous tasks processed within theflatMap
chain, aScheduler
that is used to manage asynchronous boundaries and delayed execution.This scheduler passed in
is said to be the "default" andexecuteOn
overrides that default.import monix.execution.Scheduler import{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader} /** Reads the contents of a file using blocking I/O. */ def readFile(path: String): Task[String] = Task.eval { val in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(path), "utf-8")) val buffer = new StringBuffer() var line: String = "" while (line != null) { line = in.readLine() if (line != null) buffer.append(line) } buffer.toString } // Building a Scheduler meant for blocking I/O val io = // Building the Task reference, specifying that `io` should be // injected as the Scheduler for managing async boundaries readFile("path/to/file").executeOn(io, forceAsync = true)
In this example we are using Task.eval, which executes the given
immediately (on the current thread and call stack).By calling
, we are ensuring that the usedScheduler
(injected in async tasks) will beio
, aScheduler
that we intend to use for blocking I/O actions. And we are also forcing an asynchronous boundary right before execution, by passing theforceAsync
parameter astrue
(which happens to be the default value).Thus, for our described function that reads files using Java's blocking I/O APIs, we are ensuring that execution is entirely managed by an
scheduler, executing that logic on a thread pool meant for blocking I/O actions.Note that in case
forceAsync = false
, then the invocation will not introduce any async boundaries of its own and will not ensure that execution will actually happen on the givenScheduler
, that depending of the implementation of theTask
. For example:Task.eval("Hello, " + "World!") .executeOn(io, forceAsync = false)
The evaluation of this task will probably happen immediately (depending on the configured ExecutionModel) and the given scheduler will probably not be used at all.
However in case we would use Task.evalAsync, which ensures that execution of the provided thunk will be async, then by using
we'll indeed get a logical fork on theio
scheduler:Task.evalAsync("Hello, " + "World!").executeOn(io, forceAsync = false)
Also note that overriding the "default" scheduler can only happen once, because it's only the "default" that can be overridden.
Something like this won't have the desired effect:
val io1 = val io2 = Task(1 + 1).executeOn(io1).executeOn(io2)
In this example the implementation of
will receive the reference toio1
and will use it on evaluation, while the second invocation ofexecuteOn
will create an unnecessary async boundary (ifforceAsync = true
) or be basically a costly no-op. This might be confusing but consider the equivalence to these functions:import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext val io11 = val io22 = def sayHello(ec: ExecutionContext): Unit = ec.execute(new Runnable { def run() = println("Hello!") }) def sayHello2(ec: ExecutionContext): Unit = // Overriding the default `ec`! sayHello(io11) def sayHello3(ec: ExecutionContext): Unit = // Overriding the default no longer has the desired effect // because sayHello2 is ignoring it! sayHello2(io22)
- s
is the Scheduler to use for overriding the default scheduler and for forcing an asynchronous boundary if
- forceAsync
indicates whether an asynchronous boundary should be forced right before the evaluation of the
, managed by the providedScheduler
- returns
a new
that mirrors the source on evaluation, but that uses the provided scheduler for overriding the default and possibly force an extra asynchronous boundary on execution
- final def executeWithModel(em: ExecutionModel): Task[A]
Returns a new task that will execute the source with a different ExecutionModel.
Returns a new task that will execute the source with a different ExecutionModel.
This allows fine-tuning the options injected by the scheduler locally. Example:
import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.AlwaysAsyncExecution Task(1 + 1).executeWithModel(AlwaysAsyncExecution)
- em
is the ExecutionModel with which the source will get evaluated on
- final def executeWithOptions(f: (Options) => Options): Task[A]
Returns a new task that will execute the source with a different set of Options.
Returns a new task that will execute the source with a different set of Options.
This allows fine-tuning the default options. Example:
Task(1 + 1).executeWithOptions(_.enableAutoCancelableRunLoops)
- f
is a function that takes the source's current set of options and returns a modified set of options that will be used to execute the source upon
- final def failed: Task[Throwable]
Returns a failed projection of this task.
Returns a failed projection of this task.
The failed projection is a
holding a value of typeThrowable
, emitting the error yielded by the source, in case the source fails, otherwise if the source succeeds the result will fail with aNoSuchElementException
. - final def flatMap[B](f: (A) => Task[B]): Task[B]
Creates a new Task by applying a function to the successful result of the source Task, and returns a task equivalent to the result of the function.
- final def flatMapLoop[S](seed: S)(f: (A, S, (S) => Task[S]) => Task[S]): Task[S]
Describes flatMap-driven loops, as an alternative to recursive functions.
Describes flatMap-driven loops, as an alternative to recursive functions.
import scala.util.Random val random = Task(Random.nextInt()) val loop = random.flatMapLoop(Vector.empty[Int]) { (a, list, continue) => val newList = list :+ a if (newList.length < 5) continue(newList) else }
- seed
initializes the result of the loop
- f
is the function that updates the result on each iteration, returning a
.- returns
a new Task that contains the result of the loop.
- final def flatten[B](implicit ev: <:<[A, Task[B]]): Task[B]
Given a source Task that emits another Task, this function flattens the result, returning a Task equivalent to the emitted Task by the source.
- final def foreach(f: (A) => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): Unit
Triggers the evaluation of the source, executing the given function for the generated element.
Triggers the evaluation of the source, executing the given function for the generated element.
The application of this function has strict behavior, as the task is immediately executed.
Exceptions in
are reported using provided (implicit) Scheduler- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- final def foreachL(f: (A) => Unit): Task[Unit]
Returns a new task that upon evaluation will execute the given function for the generated element, transforming the source into a
.Returns a new task that upon evaluation will execute the given function for the generated element, transforming the source into a
.Similar in spirit with normal foreach, but lazy, as obviously nothing gets executed at this point.
- final def guarantee(finalizer: Task[Unit]): Task[A]
Executes the given
when the source is finished, either in success or in error, or if canceled.Executes the given
when the source is finished, either in success or in error, or if canceled.This variant of guaranteeCase evaluates the given
regardless of how the source gets terminated:- normal completion
- completion in error
- cancellation
As best practice, it's not a good idea to release resources via
in polymorphic code. Prefer bracket for the acquisition and release of resources.- See also
guaranteeCase for the version that can discriminate between termination conditions
bracket for the more general operation
- final def guaranteeCase(finalizer: (ExitCase[Throwable]) => Task[Unit]): Task[A]
Executes the given
when the source is finished, either in success or in error, or if canceled, allowing for differentiating between exit conditions.Executes the given
when the source is finished, either in success or in error, or if canceled, allowing for differentiating between exit conditions.This variant of guarantee injects an ExitCase in the provided function, allowing one to make a difference between:
- normal completion
- completion in error
- cancellation
As best practice, it's not a good idea to release resources via
in polymorphic code. Prefer bracketCase for the acquisition and release of resources.- See also
guarantee for the simpler version
bracketCase for the more general operation
- final def loopForever: Task[Nothing]
Returns a new
that repeatedly executes the source as long as it continues to succeed.Returns a new
that repeatedly executes the source as long as it continues to succeed. It never produces a terminal value.Example:
import scala.concurrent.duration._ Task.eval(println("Tick!")) .delayExecution(1.second) .loopForever
- final def map[B](f: (A) => B): Task[B]
Returns a new
that applies the mapping function to the element emitted by the source.Returns a new
that applies the mapping function to the element emitted by the source.Can be used for specifying a (lazy) transformation to the result of the source.
This equivalence with flatMap always holds: <-> fa.flatMap(x => Task.pure(f(x)))
- final def materialize: Task[Try[A]]
Creates a new Task that will expose any triggered error from the source.
- final def memoize: Task[A]
Memoizes (caches) the result of the source task and reuses it on subsequent invocations of
.Memoizes (caches) the result of the source task and reuses it on subsequent invocations of
.The resulting task will be idempotent, meaning that evaluating the resulting task multiple times will have the same effect as evaluating it once.
Cancellation — a memoized task will mirror the behavior of the source on cancellation. This means that:
- if the source isn't cancellable, then the resulting memoized task won't be cancellable either
- if the source is cancellable, then the memoized task can be cancelled, which can take unprepared users by surprise
Depending on use-case, there are two ways to ensure no surprises:
- usage of onCancelRaiseError, before applying memoization, to ensure that on cancellation an error is triggered and then noticed by the memoization logic
- usage of uncancelable, either before or after applying memoization, to ensure that the memoized task cannot be cancelled
import scala.concurrent.CancellationException import scala.concurrent.duration._ val source = Task(1).delayExecution(5.seconds) // Option 1: trigger error on cancellation val err = new CancellationException val cached1 = source.onCancelRaiseError(err).memoize // Option 2: make it uninterruptible val cached2 = source.uncancelable.memoize
When using onCancelRaiseError like in the example above, the behavior of
is to cache the error. If you want the ability to retry errors until a successful value happens, see memoizeOnSuccess.UNSAFE — this operation allocates a shared, mutable reference, which can break in certain cases referential transparency, even if this operation guarantees idempotency (i.e. referential transparency implies idempotency, but idempotency does not imply referential transparency).
The allocation of a mutable reference is known to be a side effect, thus breaking referential transparency, even if calling this method does not trigger the evaluation of side effects suspended by the source.
Use with care. Sometimes it's easier to just keep a shared, memoized reference to some connection, but keep in mind it might be better to pass such a reference around as a parameter.
- returns
that can be used to wait for the memoized value
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- See also
memoizeOnSuccess for a version that only caches successful results
- final def memoizeOnSuccess: Task[A]
Memoizes (cache) the successful result of the source task and reuses it on subsequent invocations of
.Memoizes (cache) the successful result of the source task and reuses it on subsequent invocations of
. Thrown exceptions are not cached.The resulting task will be idempotent, but only if the result is successful.
Cancellation — a memoized task will mirror the behavior of the source on cancellation. This means that:
- if the source isn't cancellable, then the resulting memoized task won't be cancellable either
- if the source is cancellable, then the memoized task can be cancelled, which can take unprepared users by surprise
Depending on use-case, there are two ways to ensure no surprises:
- usage of onCancelRaiseError, before applying memoization, to ensure that on cancellation an error is triggered and then noticed by the memoization logic
- usage of uncancelable, either before or after applying memoization, to ensure that the memoized task cannot be cancelled
import scala.concurrent.CancellationException import scala.concurrent.duration._ val source = Task(1).delayExecution(5.seconds) // Option 1: trigger error on cancellation val err = new CancellationException val cached1 = source.onCancelRaiseError(err).memoizeOnSuccess // Option 2: make it uninterruptible val cached2 = source.uncancelable.memoizeOnSuccess
When using onCancelRaiseError like in the example above, the behavior of
is to retry the source on subsequent invocations. Use memoize if that's not the desired behavior.UNSAFE — this operation allocates a shared, mutable reference, which can break in certain cases referential transparency, even if this operation guarantees idempotency (i.e. referential transparency implies idempotency, but idempotency does not imply referential transparency).
The allocation of a mutable reference is known to be a side effect, thus breaking referential transparency, even if calling this method does not trigger the evaluation of side effects suspended by the source.
Use with care. Sometimes it's easier to just keep a shared, memoized reference to some connection, but keep in mind it might be better to pass such a reference around as a parameter.
- returns
that can be used to wait for the memoized value
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- See also
memoize for a version that caches both successful results and failures
- final def onCancelRaiseError(e: Throwable): Task[A]
Returns a new task that mirrors the source task for normal termination, but that triggers the given error on cancellation.
Returns a new task that mirrors the source task for normal termination, but that triggers the given error on cancellation.
Normally tasks that are cancelled become non-terminating. Here's an example of a cancelable task:
import import scala.concurrent.duration._ val tenSecs = Task.sleep(10.seconds) val task1 = tenSecs.start.flatMap { fa => // Triggering pure cancellation, then trying to get its result fa.cancel.flatMap(_ => tenSecs) } task1.timeout(10.seconds).runToFuture //=> throws TimeoutException
In general you can expect cancelable tasks to become non-terminating on cancellation.
operator transforms a task that would yield Task.never on cancellation into one that yields Task.raiseError.Example:
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException val anotherTenSecs = Task.sleep(10.seconds) .onCancelRaiseError(new CancellationException) val task2 = anotherTenSecs.start.flatMap { fa => // Triggering pure cancellation, then trying to get its result fa.cancel.flatMap(_ => anotherTenSecs) } task2.runToFuture // => CancellationException
- final def onErrorFallbackTo[B >: A](that: Task[B]): Task[B]
Creates a new task that in case of error will fallback to the given backup task.
- final def onErrorHandle[U >: A](f: (Throwable) => U): Task[U]
Creates a new task that will handle any matching throwable that this task might emit.
Creates a new task that will handle any matching throwable that this task might emit.
See onErrorRecover for the version that takes a partial function.
- final def onErrorHandleWith[B >: A](f: (Throwable) => Task[B]): Task[B]
Creates a new task that will handle any matching throwable that this task might emit by executing another task.
Creates a new task that will handle any matching throwable that this task might emit by executing another task.
See onErrorRecoverWith for the version that takes a partial function.
- final def onErrorRecover[U >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, U]): Task[U]
Creates a new task that on error will try to map the error to another value using the provided partial function.
Creates a new task that on error will try to map the error to another value using the provided partial function.
See onErrorHandle for the version that takes a total function.
- final def onErrorRecoverWith[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Task[B]]): Task[B]
Creates a new task that will try recovering from an error by matching it with another task using the given partial function.
Creates a new task that will try recovering from an error by matching it with another task using the given partial function.
See onErrorHandleWith for the version that takes a total function.
- final def onErrorRestart(maxRetries: Long): Task[A]
Creates a new task that in case of error will retry executing the source again and again, until it succeeds.
Creates a new task that in case of error will retry executing the source again and again, until it succeeds.
In case of continuous failure the total number of executions will be
maxRetries + 1
. - final def onErrorRestartIf(p: (Throwable) => Boolean): Task[A]
Creates a new task that in case of error will retry executing the source again and again, until it succeeds, or until the given predicate returns
.Creates a new task that in case of error will retry executing the source again and again, until it succeeds, or until the given predicate returns
.In this sample we retry for as long as the exception is a
:import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException Task("some long call that may timeout").onErrorRestartIf { case _: TimeoutException => true case _ => false }
- p
is the predicate that is executed if an error is thrown and that keeps restarting the source for as long as it returns
- final def onErrorRestartLoop[S, B >: A](initial: S)(f: (Throwable, S, (S) => Task[B]) => Task[B]): Task[B]
On error restarts the source with a customizable restart loop.
On error restarts the source with a customizable restart loop.
This operation keeps an internal
, with a start value, an internal state that gets evolved and based on which the next step gets decided, e.g. should it restart, maybe with a delay, or should it give up and re-throw the current error.Example that implements a simple retry policy that retries for a maximum of 10 times before giving up; also introduce a 1 second delay before each retry is executed:
import scala.util.Random import scala.concurrent.duration._ val task = Task { if (Random.nextInt(20) > 10) throw new RuntimeException("boo") else 78 } task.onErrorRestartLoop(10) { (err, maxRetries, retry) => if (maxRetries > 0) // Next retry please; but do a 1 second delay retry(maxRetries - 1).delayExecution(1.second) else // No retries left, rethrow the error Task.raiseError(err) }
A more complex exponential back-off sample:
import scala.concurrent.duration._ // Keeps the current state, indicating the restart delay and the // maximum number of retries left final case class Backoff(maxRetries: Int, delay: FiniteDuration) // Restarts for a maximum of 10 times, with an initial delay of 1 second, // a delay that keeps being multiplied by 2 task.onErrorRestartLoop(Backoff(10, 1.second)) { (err, state, retry) => val Backoff(maxRetries, delay) = state if (maxRetries > 0) retry(Backoff(maxRetries - 1, delay * 2.toLong)).delayExecution(delay) else // No retries left, rethrow the error Task.raiseError(err) }
The given function injects the following parameters:
reference that was thrown 2. the currentstate
, based on which a decision for the retry is made 3.retry: S => Task[B]
function that schedules the next retry
- initial
is the initial state used to determine the next on error retry cycle
- f
is a function that injects the current error, state, a function that can signal a retry is to be made and returns the next task
- def redeem[B](recover: (Throwable) => B, map: (A) => B): Task[B]
Returns a new value that transforms the result of the source, given the
functions, which get executed depending on whether the result is successful or if it ends in error.Returns a new value that transforms the result of the source, given the
functions, which get executed depending on whether the result is successful or if it ends in error.This is an optimization on usage of attempt and map, this equivalence being true:
task.redeem(recover, map) <->, map))
Usage of
subsumes onErrorHandle because:task.redeem(fe, id) <-> task.onErrorHandle(fe)
- recover
is a function used for error recover in case the source ends in error
- map
is a function used for mapping the result of the source in case it ends in success
- def redeemWith[B](recover: (Throwable) => Task[B], bind: (A) => Task[B]): Task[B]
Returns a new value that transforms the result of the source, given the
functions, which get executed depending on whether the result is successful or if it ends in error.Returns a new value that transforms the result of the source, given the
functions, which get executed depending on whether the result is successful or if it ends in error.This is an optimization on usage of attempt and flatMap, this equivalence being available:
task.redeemWith(recover, bind) <-> task.attempt.flatMap(_.fold(recover, bind))
Usage of
subsumes onErrorHandleWith because:task.redeemWith(fe, F.pure) <-> task.onErrorHandleWith(fe)
Usage of
also subsumes flatMap because:task.redeemWith(Task.raiseError, fs) <-> task.flatMap(fs)
- recover
is the function that gets called to recover the source in case of error
- bind
is the function that gets to transform the source in case of success
- final def restartUntil(p: (A) => Boolean): Task[A]
Given a predicate function, keep retrying the task until the function returns true.
- final def runAsync(cb: (Either[Throwable, A]) => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable
Triggers the asynchronous execution, with a provided callback that's going to be called at some point in the future with the final result.
Triggers the asynchronous execution, with a provided callback that's going to be called at some point in the future with the final result.
Note that without invoking
on aTask
, nothing gets evaluated, as aTask
has lazy behavior.import scala.concurrent.duration._ // A Scheduler is needed for executing tasks via `runAsync` import // Nothing executes yet val task: Task[String] = for { _ <- Task.sleep(3.seconds) r <- Task { println("Executing..."); "Hello!" } } yield r // Triggering the task's execution: val f = task.runAsync { case Right(str: String) => println(s"Received: $$str") case Left(e) => global.reportFailure(e) } // Or in case we change our mind f.cancel()
When executing the task via this method, the user is required to supply a side effecting callback with the signature:
Either[Throwable, A] => Unit
.This will be used by the implementation to signal completion, signaling either a
or aLeft(error)
however uses Callback internally, so you can supply aCallback
instance instead and it will be used to avoid unnecessary boxing. It also has handy utilities.Note that with
you can:- convert from a plain function using
Either[Throwable, A]
as input via Callback.fromAttempt - convert from a plain function using
as input via Callback.fromTry - wrap a standard Scala
via Callback.fromPromise - pass an empty callback that just reports errors via Callback.empty
Example, equivalent to the above:
import monix.execution.Callback task.runAsync(new Callback[Throwable, String] { def onSuccess(str: String) = println(s"Received: $$str") def onError(e: Throwable) = global.reportFailure(e) })
Example equivalent with runAsyncAndForget:
Completing a scala.concurrent.Promise:
import scala.concurrent.Promise val p = Promise[String]() task.runAsync(Callback.fromPromise(p))
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- cb
is a callback that will be invoked upon completion, either with a successful result, or with an error; note that you can use monix.execution.Callback for extra performance (avoids the boxing in scala.Either)
- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- returns
a Cancelable that can be used to cancel a running task
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- convert from a plain function using
- final def runAsyncAndForget(implicit s: Scheduler): Unit
Triggers the asynchronous execution of the source task in a "fire and forget" fashion.
Triggers the asynchronous execution of the source task in a "fire and forget" fashion.
Starts the execution of the task, but discards any result generated asynchronously and doesn't return any cancelable tokens either. This affords some optimizations — for example the underlying run-loop doesn't need to worry about cancelation. Also the call-site is more clear in intent.
import val task = Task(println("Hello!")) // We don't care about the result, we don't care about the // cancellation token, we just want this thing to run: task.runAsyncAndForget
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- def runAsyncAndForgetOpt(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options): Unit
Triggers the asynchronous execution in a "fire and forget" fashion, like normal runAsyncAndForget, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
Triggers the asynchronous execution in a "fire and forget" fashion, like normal runAsyncAndForget, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
This allows you to specify options such as:
- enabling support for TaskLocal
- disabling auto-cancelable run-loops
See the description of runAsyncOpt for an example of customizing the default Task.Options.
See the description of runAsyncAndForget for an example of running as a "fire and forget".
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- opts
a set of Options that determine the behavior of Task's run-loop.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- final def runAsyncF(cb: (Either[Throwable, A]) => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): CancelToken[Task]
Triggers the asynchronous execution, returning a
(aliased toCancelToken[Task]
in Cats-Effect) which can cancel the running computation.Triggers the asynchronous execution, returning a
(aliased toCancelToken[Task]
in Cats-Effect) which can cancel the running computation.This is the more potent version of runAsync, because the returned cancelation token is a
that can be used to back-pressure on the result of the cancellation token, in case the finalizers are specified as asynchronous actions that are expensive to complete.Example:
import scala.concurrent.duration._ val task = Task("Hello!").bracketCase { str => Task(println(str)) } { (_, exitCode) => // Finalization Task(println(s"Finished via exit code: $$exitCode")) .delayExecution(3.seconds) }
In this example we have a task with a registered finalizer (via bracketCase) that takes 3 whole seconds to finish. Via normal
the returned cancelation token has no capability to wait for its completion.import monix.execution.Callback import val cancel = task.runAsyncF(Callback.empty) // Triggering `cancel` and we can wait for its completion for (_ <- cancel.runToFuture) { // Takes 3 seconds to print println("Resources were released!") }
WARN: back-pressuring on the completion of finalizers is not always a good idea. Avoid it if you can.
When executing the task via this method, the user is required to supply a side effecting callback with the signature:
Either[Throwable, A] => Unit
.This will be used by the implementation to signal completion, signaling either a
or aLeft(error)
however uses Callback internally, so you can supply aCallback
instance instead and it will be used to avoid unnecessary boxing. It also has handy utilities.Note that with
you can:- convert from a plain function using
Either[Throwable, A]
as input via Callback.fromAttempt - convert from a plain function using
as input via Callback.fromTry - wrap a standard Scala
via Callback.fromPromise - pass an empty callback that just reports errors via Callback.empty
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.NOTE: the
suffix comes fromF[_]
, highlighting our usage ofCancelToken[F]
to return aTask[Unit]
, instead of a plain and side effectfulCancelable
object.- cb
is a callback that will be invoked upon completion, either with a successful result, or with an error; note that you can use monix.execution.Callback for extra performance (avoids the boxing in scala.Either)
- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- returns
, aliased via Cats-Effect as aCancelToken[Task]
, that can be used to cancel the running task. Given that this is aTask
, it can describe asynchronous finalizers (if the source had any), therefore users can apply back-pressure on the completion of such finalizers.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- convert from a plain function using
- def runAsyncOpt(cb: (Either[Throwable, A]) => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options): Cancelable
Triggers the asynchronous execution, much like normal runAsync, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
Triggers the asynchronous execution, much like normal runAsync, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
This allows you to specify options such as:
- enabling support for TaskLocal
- disabling auto-cancelable run-loops
import val task = for { local <- TaskLocal(0) _ <- local.write(100) _ <- Task.shift value <- } yield value // We need to activate support of TaskLocal via: implicit val opts = Task.defaultOptions.enableLocalContextPropagation // Actual execution that depends on these custom options: task.runAsyncOpt { case Right(value) => println(s"Received: $$value") case Left(e) => global.reportFailure(e) }
See Task.Options.
When executing the task via this method, the user is required to supply a side effecting callback with the signature:
Either[Throwable, A] => Unit
.This will be used by the implementation to signal completion, signaling either a
or aLeft(error)
however uses Callback internally, so you can supply aCallback
instance instead and it will be used to avoid unnecessary boxing. It also has handy utilities.Note that with
you can:- convert from a plain function using
Either[Throwable, A]
as input via Callback.fromAttempt - convert from a plain function using
as input via Callback.fromTry - wrap a standard Scala
via Callback.fromPromise - pass an empty callback that just reports errors via Callback.empty
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- cb
is a callback that will be invoked upon completion, either with a successful result, or with an error; note that you can use monix.execution.Callback for extra performance (avoids the boxing in scala.Either)
- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- opts
a set of Options that determine the behavior of Task's run-loop.
- returns
a Cancelable that can be used to cancel a running task
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- def runAsyncOptF(cb: (Either[Throwable, A]) => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options): CancelToken[Task]
Triggers the asynchronous execution, much like normal runAsyncF, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
Triggers the asynchronous execution, much like normal runAsyncF, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
This allows you to specify options such as:
- enabling support for TaskLocal
- disabling auto-cancelable run-loops
See the description of runToFutureOpt for an example.
The returned cancelation token is a
that can be used to back-pressure on the result of the cancellation token, in case the finalizers are specified as asynchronous actions that are expensive to complete.See the description of runAsyncF for an example.
WARN: back-pressuring on the completion of finalizers is not always a good idea. Avoid it if you can.
When executing the task via this method, the user is required to supply a side effecting callback with the signature:
Either[Throwable, A] => Unit
.This will be used by the implementation to signal completion, signaling either a
or aLeft(error)
however uses Callback internally, so you can supply aCallback
instance instead and it will be used to avoid unnecessary boxing. It also has handy utilities.Note that with
you can:- convert from a plain function using
Either[Throwable, A]
as input via Callback.fromAttempt - convert from a plain function using
as input via Callback.fromTry - wrap a standard Scala
via Callback.fromPromise - pass an empty callback that just reports errors via Callback.empty
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.NOTE: the
suffix comes fromF[_]
, highlighting our usage ofCancelToken[F]
to return aTask[Unit]
, instead of a plain and side effectfulCancelable
object.- cb
is a callback that will be invoked upon completion, either with a successful result, or with an error; note that you can use monix.execution.Callback for extra performance (avoids the boxing in scala.Either)
- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- opts
a set of Options that determine the behavior of Task's run-loop.
- returns
, aliased via Cats-Effect as aCancelToken[Task]
, that can be used to cancel the running task. Given that this is aTask
, it can describe asynchronous finalizers (if the source had any), therefore users can apply back-pressure on the completion of such finalizers.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- final def runAsyncUncancelable(cb: (Either[Throwable, A]) => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): Unit
Triggers the asynchronous execution of the source task, but runs it in uncancelable mode.
Triggers the asynchronous execution of the source task, but runs it in uncancelable mode.
This is an optimization over plain runAsync or runAsyncF that doesn't give you a cancellation token for cancelling the task. The runtime can thus not worry about keeping state related to cancellation when evaluating it.
import scala.concurrent.duration._ import val task: Task[String] = for { _ <- Task.sleep(3.seconds) r <- Task { println("Executing..."); "Hello!" } } yield r // Triggering the task's execution, without receiving any // cancelation tokens task.runAsyncUncancelable { case Right(str) => println(s"Received: $$str") case Left(e) => global.reportFailure(e) }
When executing the task via this method, the user is required to supply a side effecting callback with the signature:
Either[Throwable, A] => Unit
.This will be used by the implementation to signal completion, signaling either a
or aLeft(error)
however uses Callback internally, so you can supply aCallback
instance instead and it will be used to avoid unnecessary boxing. It also has handy utilities.Note that with
you can:- convert from a plain function using
Either[Throwable, A]
as input via Callback.fromAttempt - convert from a plain function using
as input via Callback.fromTry - wrap a standard Scala
via Callback.fromPromise - pass an empty callback that just reports errors via Callback.empty
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- convert from a plain function using
- def runAsyncUncancelableOpt(cb: (Either[Throwable, A]) => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options): Unit
Triggers the asynchronous execution in uncancelable mode, like runAsyncUncancelable, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
Triggers the asynchronous execution in uncancelable mode, like runAsyncUncancelable, but includes the ability to specify Task.Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
This allows you to specify options such as:
- enabling support for TaskLocal
- disabling auto-cancelable run-loops
See the description of runAsyncOpt for an example of customizing the default Task.Options.
This is an optimization over plain runAsyncOpt or runAsyncOptF that doesn't give you a cancellation token for cancelling the task. The runtime can thus not worry about keeping state related to cancellation when evaluating it.
When executing the task via this method, the user is required to supply a side effecting callback with the signature:
Either[Throwable, A] => Unit
.This will be used by the implementation to signal completion, signaling either a
or aLeft(error)
however uses Callback internally, so you can supply aCallback
instance instead and it will be used to avoid unnecessary boxing. It also has handy utilities.Note that with
you can:- convert from a plain function using
Either[Throwable, A]
as input via Callback.fromAttempt - convert from a plain function using
as input via Callback.fromTry - wrap a standard Scala
via Callback.fromPromise - pass an empty callback that just reports errors via Callback.empty
- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- opts
a set of Options that determine the behavior of Task's run-loop.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- final def runSyncStep(implicit s: Scheduler): Either[Task[A], A]
Executes the source until completion, or until the first async boundary, whichever comes first.
Executes the source until completion, or until the first async boundary, whichever comes first.
This operation is mean to be compliant with
, but without suspending the evaluation inIO
.WARNING: This method is a partial function, throwing exceptions in case errors happen immediately (synchronously).
Usage sample:
import import scala.util._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal try Task(42).runSyncStep match { case Right(a) => println("Success: " + a) case Left(task) => task.runToFuture.onComplete { case Success(a) => println("Async success: " + a) case Failure(e) => println("Async error: " + e) } } catch { case NonFatal(e) => println("Error: " + e) }
Obviously the purpose of this method is to be used for optimizations.
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- returns
in case a result was processed, orLeft(task)
in case an asynchronous boundary was hit and further async execution is needed
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- See also
runSyncUnsafe, the blocking execution mode that can only work on top of the JVM.
- final def runSyncStepOpt(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options): Either[Task[A], A]
A variant of runSyncStep that takes an implicit Task.Options from the current scope.
A variant of runSyncStep that takes an implicit Task.Options from the current scope.
This helps in tuning the evaluation model of task.
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- opts
a set of Options that determine the behavior of Task's run-loop.
- returns
in case a result was processed, orLeft(task)
in case an asynchronous boundary was hit and further async execution is needed
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- See also
- final def runSyncUnsafe(timeout: Duration = Duration.Inf)(implicit s: Scheduler, permit: CanBlock): A
Evaluates the source task synchronously and returns the result immediately or blocks the underlying thread until the result is ready.
Evaluates the source task synchronously and returns the result immediately or blocks the underlying thread until the result is ready.
WARNING: blocking operations are unsafe and incredibly error prone on top of the JVM. It's a good practice to not block any threads and use the asynchronous
methods instead.In general prefer to use the asynchronous Task.runAsync or Task.runToFuture and to structure your logic around asynchronous actions in a non-blocking way. But in case you're blocking only once, in
, at the "edge of the world" so to speak, then it's OK.Sample:
import import scala.concurrent.duration._ Task(42).runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds)
This is equivalent with:
import scala.concurrent.Await Await.result[Int](Task(42).runToFuture, 3.seconds)
Some implementation details:
- blocking the underlying thread is done by triggering Scala's
), just like Scala'sAwait.result
- the
is mandatory, just like when using Scala'sAwait.result
, in order to make the caller aware that the operation is dangerous and that setting atimeout
is good practice - the loop starts in an execution mode that ignores BatchedExecution or AlwaysAsyncExecution, until the first asynchronous boundary. This is because we want to block the underlying thread for the result, in which case preserving fairness by forcing (batched) async boundaries doesn't do us any good, quite the contrary, the underlying thread being stuck until the result is available or until the timeout exception gets triggered.
Not supported on top of JavaScript engines and trying to use it with Scala.js will trigger a compile time error.
For optimizations on top of JavaScript you can use runSyncStep instead.
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- timeout
is a duration that specifies the maximum amount of time that this operation is allowed to block the underlying thread. If the timeout expires before the result is ready, a
gets thrown. Note that you're allowed to pass an infinite duration (withDuration.Inf
), but unless it'smain
that you're blocking and unless you're doing it only once, then this is definitely not recommended — provide a finite timeout in order to avoid deadlocks.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- permit
is an implicit value that's only available for the JVM and not for JavaScript, its purpose being to stop usage of this operation on top of engines that do not support blocking threads.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure() @UnsafeBecauseBlocking()
- blocking the underlying thread is done by triggering Scala's
- final def runSyncUnsafeOpt(timeout: Duration = Duration.Inf)(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options, permit: CanBlock): A
Variant of runSyncUnsafe that takes a Task.Options implicitly from the scope in order to tune the evaluation model of the task.
Variant of runSyncUnsafe that takes a Task.Options implicitly from the scope in order to tune the evaluation model of the task.
This allows you to specify options such as:
- enabling support for TaskLocal
- disabling auto-cancelable run-loops
See the description of runAsyncOpt for an example of customizing the default Task.Options.
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.- timeout
is a duration that specifies the maximum amount of time that this operation is allowed to block the underlying thread. If the timeout expires before the result is ready, a
gets thrown. Note that you're allowed to pass an infinite duration (withDuration.Inf
), but unless it'smain
that you're blocking and unless you're doing it only once, then this is definitely not recommended — provide a finite timeout in order to avoid deadlocks.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- opts
a set of Options that determine the behavior of Task's run-loop.
- permit
is an implicit value that's only available for the JVM and not for JavaScript, its purpose being to stop usage of this operation on top of engines that do not support blocking threads.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure() @UnsafeBecauseBlocking()
- See also
- final def runToFuture(implicit s: Scheduler): CancelableFuture[A]
Triggers the asynchronous execution, returning a cancelable CancelableFuture that can be awaited for the final result or canceled.
Triggers the asynchronous execution, returning a cancelable CancelableFuture that can be awaited for the final result or canceled.
Note that without invoking
on aTask
, nothing gets evaluated, as aTask
has lazy behavior.import scala.concurrent.duration._ // A Scheduler is needed for executing tasks via `runAsync` import // Nothing executes yet val task: Task[String] = for { _ <- Task.sleep(3.seconds) r <- Task { println("Executing..."); "Hello!" } } yield r // Triggering the task's execution: val f = task.runToFuture // Or in case we change our mind f.cancel()
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.BAD CODE:
import monix.execution.CancelableFuture import scala.concurrent.Await // ANTI-PATTERN 1: Unnecessary side effects def increment1(sample: Task[Int]): CancelableFuture[Int] = { // No reason to trigger `runAsync` for this operation + 1) } // ANTI-PATTERN 2: blocking threads makes it worse than (1) def increment2(sample: Task[Int]): Int = { // Blocking threads is totally unnecessary val x = Await.result(sample.runToFuture, 5.seconds) x + 1 } // ANTI-PATTERN 3: this is even WORSE than (2)! def increment3(sample: Task[Int]): Task[Int] = { // Triggering side-effects, but misleading users/readers // into thinking this function is pure via the return type Task.fromFuture( + 1)) }
Instead prefer the pure versions.
has its own map, flatMap, onErrorHandleWith or bracketCase, which are really powerful and can allow you to operate on a task in however way you like without escaping Task's context and triggering unwanted side-effects.- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- returns
a CancelableFuture that can be used to extract the result or to cancel a running task.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- def runToFutureOpt(implicit s: Scheduler, opts: Options): CancelableFuture[A]
Triggers the asynchronous execution, much like normal runToFuture, but includes the ability to specify Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
Triggers the asynchronous execution, much like normal runToFuture, but includes the ability to specify Options that can modify the behavior of the run-loop.
This is the configurable version of runToFuture. It allows you to specify options such as:
- enabling support for TaskLocal
- disabling auto-cancelable run-loops
See Task.Options. Example:
import val task = for { local <- TaskLocal(0) _ <- local.write(100) _ <- Task.shift value <- } yield value // We need to activate support of TaskLocal via: implicit val opts = Task.defaultOptions.enableLocalContextPropagation // Actual execution that depends on these custom options: task.runToFutureOpt
UNSAFE (referential transparency) — this operation can trigger the execution of side effects, which breaks referential transparency and is thus not a pure function.
Normally these functions shouldn't be called until "the end of the world", which is to say at the end of the program (for a console app), or at the end of a web request (in case you're working with a web framework or toolkit that doesn't provide good integration with Monix's
via Cats-Effect).Otherwise for modifying or operating on tasks, prefer its pure functions like
. In FP code don't userunAsync
. Remember thatTask
is not a 1:1 replacement forFuture
being a very different abstraction.PLEASE READ the advice on anti-patterns at runToFuture.
- s
is an injected Scheduler that gets used whenever asynchronous boundaries are needed when evaluating the task; a
is in general needed when theTask
needs to be evaluated viarunAsync
- opts
a set of Options that determine the behavior of Task's run-loop.
- returns
a CancelableFuture that can be used to extract the result or to cancel a running task.
- Annotations
- @UnsafeBecauseImpure()
- final def start: Task[Fiber[A]]
Start execution of the source suspended in the
context.Start execution of the source suspended in the
context.This can be used for non-deterministic / concurrent execution. The following code is more or less equivalent with Task.parMap2 (minus the behavior on error handling and cancellation):
def par2[A, B](ta: Task[A], tb: Task[B]): Task[(A, B)] = for { fa <- ta.start fb <- tb.start a <- fa.join b <- fb.join } yield (a, b)
Note in such a case usage of parMap2 (and parMap3, etc.) is still recommended because of behavior on error and cancellation — consider that in the example above, if the first task finishes in error, the second task doesn't get cancelled.
This operation forces an asynchronous boundary before execution
- final def startAndForget: Task[Unit]
Start asynchronous execution of the source suspended in the
context, running it in the background and discarding the result.Start asynchronous execution of the source suspended in the
context, running it in the background and discarding the result.Similar to start after mapping result to Unit. Below law holds:
task.startAndForget <-> => ())
- final def tapError[B](f: (Throwable) => Task[B]): Task[A]
Creates a new
that will run the given function in case of error and raise the original error in case the provided function is successful.Creates a new
that will run the given function in case of error and raise the original error in case the provided function is successful.Example:
// will result in Left("Error") Task .raiseError(new RuntimeException("Error")) .tapError(err => Task(err))
If provided function returns an error then the resulting task will raise that error instead.
// will result in Left("Error2") Task .raiseError(new RuntimeException("Error1")) .tapError(err => Task.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Error2")))
- final def tapEval[B](f: (A) => Task[B]): Task[A]
Creates a new
that will run the given function on the success and return the original value. - final def timed: Task[(FiniteDuration, A)]
Times the
execution and returns its duration and the computed value.Times the
execution and returns its duration and the computed value.Basic usage example:
for { r <- Task(1 + 1).timed (duration, value) = r _ <- Task(println("executed in " + duration.toMillis + " ms")) } yield value
- final def timeout(after: FiniteDuration): Task[A]
Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but that triggers a
in case the given duration passes without the task emitting any item. - final def timeoutL(after: Task[FiniteDuration]): Task[A]
Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but that triggers a
in case the given duration passes without the task emitting any item.Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but that triggers a
in case the given duration passes without the task emitting any item.Useful when timeout is variable, e.g. when task is running in a loop with deadline semantics.
import import scala.concurrent.duration._ val deadline = 10.seconds.fromNow val singleCallTimeout = 2.seconds // re-evaluate deadline time on every request val actualTimeout = Task(singleCallTimeout.min(deadline.timeLeft)) // expensive remote call def call(): Unit = () val remoteCall = Task(call()) .timeoutL(actualTimeout) .onErrorRestart(100) .timeout(deadline.time)
- final def timeoutTo[B >: A](after: FiniteDuration, backup: Task[B]): Task[B]
Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but switches to the given backup Task in case the given duration passes without the source emitting any item.
- final def timeoutToL[B >: A](after: Task[FiniteDuration], backup: Task[B]): Task[B]
Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but switches to the given backup Task in case the given duration passes without the source emitting any item.
Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but switches to the given backup Task in case the given duration passes without the source emitting any item.
Useful when timeout is variable, e.g. when task is running in a loop with deadline semantics.
import import scala.concurrent.duration._ val deadline = 10.seconds.fromNow val singleCallTimeout = 2.seconds // re-evaluate deadline time on every request val actualTimeout = Task(singleCallTimeout.min(deadline.timeLeft)) // expensive remote call def call(): Unit = () val remoteCall = Task(call()) .timeoutToL(actualTimeout, Task.unit) .onErrorRestart(100) .timeout(deadline.time)
Note that this method respects the timeout task evaluation duration, e.g. if it took 3 seconds to evaluate
to a value of5 seconds
, then this task will timeout in exactly 5 seconds from the moment computation started, which means in 2 seconds after the timeout task has been evaluated. - final def timeoutWith(after: FiniteDuration, exception: Exception): Task[A]
Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but that triggers a specified
in case the given duration passes without the task emitting any item.Returns a Task that mirrors the source Task but that triggers a specified
in case the given duration passes without the task emitting any item.- exception
to throw after given duration passes
- final def to[F[_]](implicit F: TaskLift[F]): F[A]
Generic conversion of
to any data type for which there's a TaskLift implementation available.Generic conversion of
to any data type for which there's a TaskLift implementation available.Supported data types:
- cats.effect.IO
- any data type implementing cats.effect.Concurrent
- any data type implementing cats.effect.Async
- any data type implementing cats.effect.LiftIO
This conversion guarantees:
- referential transparency
- similar runtime characteristics (e.g. if the source doesn't block threads on evaluation, then the result shouldn't block threads either)
- interruptibility, if the target data type is cancelable
import cats.effect.IO import import scala.concurrent.duration._ Task(1 + 1) .delayExecution(5.seconds) .to[IO]
- final def toAsync[F[_]](implicit F: Async[F], eff: Effect[Task]): F[A]
Converts the source
to any data type that implements Async.Converts the source
to any data type that implements Async.Example:
import cats.effect.IO import import scala.concurrent.duration._ Task.eval(println("Hello!")) .delayExecution(5.seconds) .toAsync[IO]
instance is needed in scope, which might need a Scheduler to be available. Such a requirement is needed because theTask
has to be evaluated in order to be converted.NOTE: the resulting instance will NOT be cancelable, as in Task's cancelation token doesn't get carried over. This is implicit in the usage of
type class. In the example above what this means is that the task will still print"Hello!"
after 5 seconds, even if the resulting task gets cancelled.- F
is the
instance required in order to perform the conversion- eff
is the
instance needed to evaluate tasks; when evaluating tasks, this is the pure alternative to demanding aScheduler
- See also
to that is able to convert to any data type that has a TaskLift implementation
toConcurrent that is able to convert to cancelable values via the Concurrent type class.
- final def toConcurrent[F[_]](implicit F: Concurrent[F], eff: ConcurrentEffect[Task]): F[A]
Converts the source
to any data type that implements Concurrent.Converts the source
to any data type that implements Concurrent.Example:
import cats.effect.IO import import scala.concurrent.duration._ Task.eval(println("Hello!")) .delayExecution(5.seconds) .to[IO]
A ConcurrentEffect instance for
is also needed in scope, which might need a Scheduler to be available. Such a requirement is needed because theTask
has to be evaluated in order to be converted.NOTE: the resulting value is cancelable, via usage of
.- F
is the
instance required in order to perform the conversion- eff
is the
instance needed to evaluate tasks; when evaluating tasks, this is the pure alternative to demanding aScheduler
- final def toReactivePublisher(implicit s: Scheduler): Publisher[A]
Converts a Task to an
that emits a single item on success, or just the error on failure.Converts a Task to an
that emits a single item on success, or just the error on failure.See for the Reactive Streams specification.
- def toString(): String
Returns a string representation of this task meant for debugging purposes only.
Returns a string representation of this task meant for debugging purposes only.
- Definition Classes
- Task → AnyRef → Any
- final def uncancelable: Task[A]
Makes the source
uninterruptible such that acancel
signal (e.g.Makes the source
uninterruptible such that acancel
signal (e.g. Fiber.cancel) has no effect.import import scala.concurrent.duration._ val uncancelable = Task .eval(println("Hello!")) .delayExecution(10.seconds) .uncancelable .runToFuture // No longer works uncancelable.cancel() // After 10 seconds // => Hello!
- final def void: Task[Unit]
Returns this task mapped to unit
Deprecated Value Members
- def forkAndForget: Task[Unit]
DEPRECATED — subsumed by startAndForget.
DEPRECATED — subsumed by startAndForget.
Renamed to
to be consistent withstart
which also enforces an asynchronous boundary- Definition Classes
- BinCompat
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 3.0.0) Replaced with startAndForget
This is the API documentation for the Monix library.
Package Overview
monix.execution exposes lower level primitives for dealing with asynchronous execution:
types, as alternative tojava.util.concurrent.atomic
monix.catnap exposes pure abstractions built on top of the Cats-Effect type classes:
monix.eval is for dealing with evaluation of results, thus exposing Task and Coeval.
monix.reactive exposes the
implementationsmonix.tail exposes Iterant for purely functional pull based streaming:
, the alternatives to Scala'sIterable
respectively that we are using within Iterant's encodingYou can control evaluation with type you choose - be it Task, Coeval, cats.effect.IO or your own as long as you provide correct cats-effect or cats typeclass instance.