Monix: Version 2.0-RC13 Released

This version fixes Task.memoize and Coeval.memoize, while introducing even more and quite significant Task optimizations. More details on performance to follow.

NOTE: version 2.0-RC13 was published immediately after version 2.0-RC12, due to a critical bug reported by Mark Tomko and immediately fixed in issue #215.

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Monix: Version 2.0-RC11 Released

This release fixes one issue with Task, as it was discovered that flatMap loops aren’t automatically cancelable, a small oversight. Also CompositeCancelable.remove wasn’t working, a bug introduced in the previous release. Another bug that was fixed is in Consumer.foldLeftAsync, which wasn’t capturing errors properly.

This release introduces a major refactoring of the Task internal workings of its trampoline, as a serious optimization. As an example of what this brings, the conversion from a Future with Task.fromFuture has near-zero overhead and the performance of Task.gather and Task.gatherUnordered has improved significantly.

There are also breaking API changes, sorry about that, but these should come sooner rather than later, before marking 2.0 final. The zipWith (e.g. zipWith2, zipWith3) operators on Task and Observable and the combineLatestWith operators on Observable have been renamed to zipMap (e.g. zipMap2, etc) and combineLatestMap respectively. This because zipMap describes the operation much better and this name has also been used in the Typelevel Cats / Dogs libraries at least.

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Monix: Version 2.0-RC10 Released

This release adds some useful extension methods for Scheduler and Callback, while optimizing and making safer some Task operations, like gatherUnordered, ‘chooseFirstOfList’ and create. On Observable it also changes how onOverflow behaves when specified in an OverflowStrategy. This will be a breaking, but easy to fix change.

Release RC10 is the last release before 2.0, scheduled for September 1st (promise, cross my heart and hope to …).

BUG WARNING: this release contains a critical bug issue. Upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

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Monix: Version 2.0-RC9 Released

This release fixes a bug in Task.mapBoth and thus the operations depending on it, like Task.gather. It also fixes another bug in the Cats Applicative instance for Task, adding a required overload for running Tasks in parallel when using the applicative builder.

This release also changes the signatures of Task’s sequence, gather and gatherUnordered to use the CanBuildFrom pattern, a contribution by @guersam.

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Monix: Version 2.0-RC8 Released

This release candidate is probably the last one before 2.0, assuming new bugs aren’t found. Amongst others, it introduces an awesome Consumer type which makes it possible to describe composable consumers. For a teaser:

// For processing sums in parallel, useless of course, but can become 
// really helpful for logic sprinkled with I/O bound stuff
val consumer = Consumer
  .loadBalance(parallelism=10, Consumer.foldLeft(Coeval(0L))(_ + _))

val observable: Observable[Int] = ???
// Our consumer turns our observable into a Task processing sums, w00t!
val task: Task[Long] = observable.runWith(consumer)

// Consume the whole stream and get the result
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